100 years ago
february 20, 1913
J.R. Delaplain, the jeweler, is fitting up a room in the rear of his place of business as an optical room. He is a registered and experienced optometrist and the room will be equipped with modern appliances for eye testing and glass fitting.
Mr. J.F. Dickerson has been delivering mail for 12 years and here is hoping he will deliver 12 years more. There never was a more painstaking, efficient, and accommodating carrier out of Marion. He always has a kind word and a pleasant smile for everybody. How much better this old world would be if we had more such men.
One of the greatest attractions for the coming “Messiah” Festival at Lindsborg will be a song recital by Mme Schumann-Heink, everywhere conceded the world’s greatest contralto. Her one recital on March 16 will cost the management $1400. Mme Schumann-Heink has become a “household word” the world over and the people of Kansas will be glad of this opportunity to hear her at Lindsborg.
The Saggau Hardware stock is being invoiced, Mr. Saggau having sold out. He intends to retire from the business.
ADV—The Aulne Nursery wants you to remember that we have trees and plants for this county and they are good. Write or come to the nursery and get prices and goods. There is no use buying of agents. I have the best line of roses I ever had. A.T. Remer.