• Last modified 3054 days ago (May 11, 2016)


may 11, 1916

Marion has landed the plant of the Seymour Packing Co. and the company will begin the erection of the building just as soon as the plans can be perfected. This is the biggest piece of town-interest news that has developed for a long time.

The Odd Fellows and Rebekahs had possession of the town on Tuesday. And it was a fine, good-natured crowd. It was the meeting of the Marion District Association.

An auto tail lamp was found by Fred Stenzel the other day in the road in front of his place. The owner can get the lamp at this office.

The track team from Marion High School took first place in the Fourth District meet at Emporia Saturday afternoon and came home with another supply of medals and cups for the trophy cabinet.

Miss Nora Travelute, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. H.M. Travelute of Lincolnville and Mr. Chancey Novak of Lost springs were united in marriage May 2nd, the ceremony being performed in St. John’s Catholic Church at Herington in the presence of about twenty-five invited guests.

The Junior Class of the High School gave a reception and banquet to the Senior Class at the Masonic Hall Wednesday evening. It was probably the most elaborate affair ever given on a similar occasion, considering the details of decorations, program, gowns and menu. A splendid five course banquet was served, after which toasts were given.

Last modified May 11, 2016