• Last modified 246 days ago (Feb. 14, 2024)


Feb. 19, 1914

J.R. Delaplain has put in a fine new safe in his jewelry store.

W.E.M. Oursler, an old Marion County pioneer, died Feb. 8 at his home in Jefferson County. He came to Kansas in 1870 and took a claim in Wilson Township. Afterward he purchased a fine farm midway between Marion and Florence, on which the Santa Fe established a station in his name and honor. It still is known as Oursler Station.

A Valentine social was given last Saturday evening at the Youngtown schoolhouse. The attendance was good, and a neat sum raised to apply on the price of a new organ for the school.

A Marion woman says that a splendid remedy for chillblains (itchy, swollen, and painful lumps or patches on your skin that form after exposure to cold) is application of essence of peppermint. Rub it on the afflicted part just as you would any liniment.

Arnold Berns was here from Peabody this week as a witness in the Heath case against the Santa Fe.

Sadie Keller and Arthur Keller saw “Ben Hur” Friday evening in Wichita. The former remained until Monday, visiting her cousin, Mary E. Debbs, and the latter went on to Pond Creek, Oklahoma, to visit his uncle, the Rev. Avery Dickerson, and family.

Effie Farmer went to St. Louis the first of the week to get millinery styles for this season. She will have charge of the millinery department of the Loveless store this year.

Last modified Feb. 14, 2024