• Last modified 3522 days ago (Sept. 10, 2014)


september 13, 1889

An immense flock of geese flew over Marion last Saturday, without stopping. Nothing but a goose would do that.

Mrs. Bergen, of Wichita, has returned to Marion to take advantage of the Mineral Water baths. Mrs. Bergen spent about a month at the Wells last spring. Mrs. Hutchison, the landlady of the Mineral Wells boarding house, appears to have all the boarders she can take care of.

John Faust brought us a beet, Tuesday, raised from seed we received from Washington last spring. It weighs nearly seven pounds and is good and solid.

Mr. Hutchinson, our old reliable ice man, “run out” of the home production weeks ago, but has managed to supply his customers with ice from abroad. He tried manufactured ice from Wichita and Hutchinson but it didn’t give satisfaction, and since then he has been getting natural ice from Moline, Ill. He expects his third car from that place today.

Mr. A.E. Case offers four dollars for the best dozen ears of corn delivered at his office in this city on or before the 19th of the month. Impartial judges will decide the matter. Here’s a good chance to help make a fine display of Marion county corn, and possibly get four shining silver dollars for your trouble. See his card elsewhere, in today’s Record, and bring in your corn.

Last modified Sept. 10, 2014