• Last modified 3354 days ago (Feb. 26, 2015)


february 21, 1890

The Grippe is losing its grip.

The schools of Marion having raised enough money to buy two large, handsome flags, the School Board has had poles erected upon each of the buildings and tomorrow, Saturday afternoon, at two o’clock the ceremonies attending the raising of the flags will be begun. The flag will be raised at the High School building first.

Taylor Riddle spent several days down in Indian Territory last week.

Mother Goose, with her family and friends, will give an entertainment at the Baptist Church next Wednesday evening. Mother Goose, Mother Hubbard, the Old Woman who lived in a shoe, Jack and Jill, King Cole, Little Bo Peep, Humpty Dumpty, and many others will be there. This kind of entertainment has never been given in Marion. The admission fee will be 25 cents. A mammoth shoe is being constructed for the Old Woman and her children. Come and see the play.

Charlie Thompson, of the fine firm of Thompson & Farr, is in Chicago “laying in” a big stock of spring goods. Just wait and see how their establishment shines and groans when the new goods get here.

Marion was full of farmers last Saturday—members of the various local Alliances in the county, and other farmers anxious to learn something more of the objects and character of this great farmers’ movement.

Last modified Feb. 26, 2015