• Last modified 2649 days ago (Feb. 1, 2017)


february 12, 1892

Hogs are up four cents.

Mesdames Ware and Willard have moved their millinery and dressmaking establishment to the Record building.

O.M. Lyman left Tuesday for Chicago to lay in goods for the Loveless & Sacket store.

Old settlers all remember Stephen G. Marcou, the eccentric French lawyer who lived here in pioneer days. We have just learned that he died in the far west last year. He was an odd genius. He was an enterprising, public-spirited fellow, and labored hard to start a sidewalk boom on Main Street, in the old days when the “oldest inhabitant” thought a few stepping stones good enough. Marcou met great opposition in his sidewalk proposition and to emphasize the subject and make the absence of sidewalks as ridiculous as possible, procured a pair of high stilts and on these, whenever it was muddy, could be seen trudging from store to store.

J.R. Willson has succeeded in getting another tenant for his barber quarters under the First National Bank.

Mr. J.H. Linney of Osceola, Missouri, an old army comrade of W.F. Hoch in the celebrated 4th Kentucky, visited Marion Tuesday and Wednesday, greatly to the delight of his old friends here. None of us has seen him for twenty years and his most welcome visit revived innumerable pleasant memories of the long ago.

Last modified Feb. 1, 2017