• Last modified 654 days ago (May 3, 2023)


130 mph chase spans
6 counties

Staff writer

A driver intent on eluding police early Monday sped through at least six counties, starting in Marion County, before he ended up in the Coffey County jail.

A Toyota Camry first spotted at 1:30 a.m. Monday on US-50 west of Florence was going at speeds of up to 130 mph.

The chase, started by Marion County deputies, was joined by deputies from at least four counties. Pursuit continued through Marion, Chase, Lyon, Coffey, Osage, and Franklin counties, where the Camry was located. The driver was arrested and turned over to Coffey County.

As the car sped along US-50 in Marion County, deputy Aaron Slater attempted to stop it for speeding. Deputy Matt Regier joined the chase.

The driver sped through Chase County, where additional deputies joined Slater and Regier.

Chase County discontinued the chase near the Chase-Lyon County line, where Lyon County deputies took over.

Marion County deputies continued chasing the car until just west of Emporia.

Lisa Manwaring, records clerk for the Coffey County sheriff’s office, said Coffey County deputies spotted the Toyota on I-35 and followed it into Osage, then into Franklin County.

The deputy chasing the car lost sight of it near Ransomville on I-35 and discontinued the chase.

Franklin County deputies weren’t involved in pursuit, but told the Coffey County Sheriff’s Office at 3:53 a.m. that they had located the car in Williamsburg.

The driver, Ruben M. Lucero, 22, Kansas City, was booked into Coffey County Jail on suspicion of felony fleeing or attempting to elude law enforcement. He was being held in lieu of $10,000 bond.

Last modified May 3, 2023