• Last modified 778 days ago (Jan. 25, 2023)


feb. 1, 1878

In this issue will be found minutes of a meeting this city for organizing a livestock and industrial association. The movement starts with much enthusiasm, and the names of the gentlemen at the head of it is amply guarantee that it will not fail.

The law says thou shalt not kill quail now.

Heavy rains and a slight mantle of snow is this week’s weather record. No ice yet.

John Jacob, living three miles west of Marion Centre, has a sheep that recently gave birth to three fine lambs, two black and one white. Who can beat that?

We understand that Mrs. Tamiet of this city contemplates attending the Paris Exposition.

A party of young folks, numbering about eight all told, while returning from the Williams schoolhouse the other night got extensively lost. The most of them live a few miles southwest of town, but if you value your life, don’t mention the matter in their presence.

Peabody has at last taken initiatory steps toward incorporating as a city of the third class. The advantages of a city government are very many. The only risk any town runs in incorporating is the risk of being ruled by incompetent, narrow-gauged men. But Peabody is in no danger of that.

Two newly married couples, L.F. Keller and wife and Fred Frazer and wife, were serenaded by Battey’s Cornet Band last Friday night. That’s one of the benefits of matrimony.

Last modified Jan. 25, 2023