• Last modified 417 days ago (Nov. 23, 2023)


nov. 29, 1878

Everybody compliments the handsome job workmen are doing on the courthouse. And every opponent of the measure will have to admit that it will be a splendid building when it is done.

Schmidt, the butcher, is fixing to put in an engine to run his sausage grinder.

Battey’s band was invited to a big supper last night at Newton. Who wouldn’t be a band boy?

The Good Templar Lodge at Marion Centre, one of the oldest lodges in the State, is about to buy an organ.

A few parties have not as yet complied with the city ordinance requiring brick or stone chimneys on Main St.

Mrs. J.R. Pennington, an elderly lady resident of Wilson Township, met a singular and painful accident last Saturday.

In getting out of a wagon, she missed her footing and fell, and a gold ring on one of her fingers in some way caught on a sharp iron projection on the wagon bed, her whole weight being thus suddenly suspended on the one finger, the ring literally tearing all the flesh there from, leaving the bone bare and breaking the bone at the middle joint.

In this condition she rode to Marion Centre, a distance of five or six miles, and then returned home, soon followed by Dr, Hannaford, who amputated the finger near the hand, and the unfortunate lady is now doing well.

Last modified Nov. 23, 2023