145 years ago
march 5, 1880
We predict that 1880 will witness the erection of at least 150 buildings in Marion Centre, and many of them very fine ones, too. Nearly one-sixth of the number are already underway.
John M. Brumbaugh didn’t meet his temperance appointment Wednesday night at Clark School. Indignant, disappointed people up there will excuse him though, we reckon, when they learn that a fine baby girl took up abode with him that evening.
We call attention to several new advertisements this week:
Wm. Wakefield, carpenter and contractor, inserts his card. That Mr. Wakefield is an excellent workman is evidenced by some fine jobs he has already done in the city, including the Presbyterian church work and the residence of station agent Roberts.
J.C. Good announces himself ready to do all kinds of wagon and buggy work in wood.
We neglected last week to notice Mehl & Wood’s city meat market advertisement. Those gentlemen keep a neat establishment. Give them a call.
Last modified Feb. 27, 2025