25 years ago
september 7, 1983
Marion city officials have signed an agreement with the county to share costs on construction of a building to house three city-based county owned ambulance vehicles. An estimate of the cost of construction and the property has not been made. It is the former location of Schroeder Produce.
Streets were packed at Florence and Burdick Monday as crowds gathered for annual Labor Day celebrations.
Three more memorial benches were stolen from downtown sidewalks in Marion over the Labor Day weekend. The original eight benches donated to the community in memory of the late Dr. R.R. Melton by his widow, have now been reduced to two. One was destroyed by vandals and five have been stolen.
Contestants for this year’s Marion High School FFA Sweetheart are Lee Ann Snelling, Brenda Berg, Sherry Olsen, Nancy Swartz, Lori Challacombe, Michele Bina, Tomi Monroe and Julie Ehrlich.
Linda Kay Robinson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Bill Robinson, Florence, and Gregory D. Carlson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Gary Carlson, Marion, exchanged double ring wedding vows Aug. 13 in the Florence United Methodist Church.
Jim Koslowsky, son of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Koslowsky of Marion, has returned from Uganda, Africa, where he has served as a summer missionary under the auspices of Campus Crusade of Christ.