• Last modified 71 days ago (Nov. 25, 2024)


dec. 7, 1994

The City of Marion has offered a discount on electricity for those who decorate with outside lighting, and Marion Chamber of Commerce is offering a contest for the best holiday-decorated home.

Marion Elementary School third graders entertained a packed Marion High School gymnasium Friday at their annual Christmas concert.

Kindergarten through fifth graders performed traditional and modern holiday tunes under the direction of Anita Hancock.

The fifth grade band, under the direction of Mike Connell, also performed for the appreciative audience.

Beary Special Babies born in November at St. Luke Hospital include Kate Elizabeth Schroeder, born Nov. 6; Jay Dee Schafers, Nov. 12; Chelsea Dawn Voth, Nov. 17; Patrick Alan McCarty, Nov. 21; James Stefan Svoboda, Nov. 24; and Jordan William Hett, Nov. 29.

Marion Senior Girl Scout Troop 61 helped bag Christmas candy for Santa’s annual visit Sunday during Marion’s Christmas opening. Those helping included Catherine Blount, Suzanne Blount, Nicole Taylor, and Carrie Wunderlick.

Last modified Nov. 25, 2024