• Last modified 1311 days ago (July 15, 2021)


3 practitioners leaving, but replacements set

Staff writer

Two physicians and a nurse practitioner are leaving St. Luke Clinic but new ones will step into their places.

Physician Randy Whitely’s last day at St. Luke Clinic will be Aug. 30.

Whitely will continue to see patients in nursing homes through September and will continue to work in the emergency room at the hospital.

“Dr. Whitely does all of our cardiac treadmill studies and will help with that as needed,” hospital CEO Jeremy Ensey said.

After 25 years as a physician, Whitely will teach anatomy and physiology part-time at Butler Community College.

“I’ve always wanted to end my career teaching,” Whitely said.

Physician Ryan Weir will begin working at the clinic Sept. 1 and start seeing patients Sept. 7.

Weir’s wife, Autumn Weir, is expected to begin working at Hillsboro Community Hospital around the same time. A contract between Autumn Weir and HCH is pending.

Ensey said St. Luke and HCH worked together to recruit the Weirs.

“How this came about is really through Casey McNeil,” Ensey said.

McNeil, who already works weekends in St. Luke’s emergency department, is scheduled to begin full-time duties in September, 2022. He knows the Weirs and suggested them to Ensey.

“We really didn’t have room for two physicians in our clinic, so I reached out to Mark [Rooker, CEO at HCH] to ask if he had room for a physician, and he did,” Ensey said.

Longtime nurse practitioner Jaynette Miller’s last day at St. Luke Clinic will be Sept. 7. After that she will continue to work for St. Luke’s emergency department.

Nurse practitioner Natalie Libordi, who began working at St. Luke Clinic in the spring, will take on Miller’s patients.

Physician Jeremy Bigham’s last day at both the clinic and the hospital will be Aug. 26. His two-year contract has expired.

Miller and Bigham could not be reached for comment.

Janet Herzet, director of St. Luke Living Center, will retire Sept. 30 after 35 years with St. Luke.

During those years she worked in the hospital, home health care, and the living center.

Herzet said her first plan was to rest.

“I’d like to do some traveling and spend more time with my grandkids and family,” she said. “It’s amazing how it sneaks up on you and all of a sudden it’s here.”

Herzet is not stepping completely away from involvement with the hospital. She will continue as a foundation board member and a member of the hospital auxiliary.

Last modified July 15, 2021