• Last modified 1353 days ago (Nov. 11, 2020)


Club notes

Happy Hustlers

Marion Happy Hustlers song leader, Jaxon Salsbury, led everyone in singing “Happy Birthday” to all November birthdays Nov. 2 at Marion County Lake Hall.

Sixteen members, three leaders, thirteen parents, and four guests answered roll call by naming their favorite things about Thanksgiving.

Members discussed ribbons they earned and their projects from 2019-2020. Ryker Salsbury led the group in a game of Heads or Tails.

Newly elected officers for 2020-2021 are president Sara Groening, vice president and song leader Jaxon Salsbury, secretary and reporter Tripp Peterson, treasurer and recreation leader Ryker Salsbury, and parliamentarian Noah Schmidt. Enrollment for 2020-21 now is open.

A gift exchange between members is planned for the group’s next meeting at 7 p.m. Dec. 7th.

Tripp Peterson,

Last modified Nov. 11, 2020