Happy Hustlers
Happy Hustlers 4-H Club voted at their meeting at 7 p.m. Aug. 2 at Marion County Lake hall to set up a display at Marion Elementary School’s open house and to enter a float in Marion’s Old Settlers Day parade.
Twelve members answered roll call by naming a project they submitted for Marion County Fair. Two leaders and four parents also attended.
Shelby Summervill led the Pledge of Allegiance, and Ryker Salsbury led the 4-H Pledge.
Trent Summervill talked about parts of a rocket.
Music leader Jaxon Salsbury led everyone in singing “Happy Birthday” to members with August birthdays. Members also sang “My Bonnie Lies Over the Ocean.”
Recreation leader Ryker Salsbury led a relay race.
Refreshments were provided by the Wealand family.
The club’s next meeting will be Sept. 13.
Minutes were provided by acting secretary Jaxon Salsbury in the absence of secretary/reporter Tripp Peterson.