Happy Hustlers
Preparations for last week’s Marion County Fair dominated the July 11 meeting of Happy Hustlers 4-H Club.
Five leaders, seven parents, and 23 members answered roll call with a way in which they could help at the fair.
Community leader Amy Summervill announced that the club would need volunteers age 10 and older to work at a concession stand and a demolition derby food booth. Club members also were encouraged to sell raffle tickets and turn in proceeds at the fair.
Noah Schmidt reported from a June meeting of the 4-H Council that fair awards would be more personalized.
A T-shirt committee reported that fair T-shirts were ready for pickup and payment.
The parade float committee reported on the Hooves in the Air theme for the club’s float.
Libby Nelson will be reimbursed for purchasing new club banners for the fair.
Shelby Summervill demonstrated how to decorate cupcakes. Trent Summervill talked about his rocketry project. Ryker Salsbury demonstrated ginger snap cookies.
Allyson Vogel led members in singing “Home on the Range” and “Happy Birthday” to members with July birthdays.
Tripp Peterson led a game of Freeze Tag.
Refreshments were provided by the Summervill Family.
The club’s next meeting will be at 7 p.m. Monday at Marion County Lake hall.
— Ryker Salsbury, reporter