• Last modified 905 days ago (Feb. 2, 2022)


Happy Hustlers

The February meeting of Happy Hustlers 4-H club will be 7 p.m. Monday at Marion County Lake hall.

At the group’s previous meeting Jan. 3, the club discussed having a lock-in and decided that committee members who already had signed up to help with the event should research options and report back Monday.

A total of 24 members, five leaders, and eight parents answered roll call Jan. 3 by telling about their New Year’s resolutions.

Clayton Thomas led the flag salute, and Shelby Summervill led the group in reciting the 4-H pledge

Minutes of the group’s December meeting were approved as read by secretary Ryker Salsbury.

Noah Schmidt announced that a 4-H Council meeting was planned for Jan. 16. Shelby Summervill gave a treasurer’s report, and Ryker Salsbury gave a reporter’s report.

In his parliamentarian’s report, Jaxon Salsbury reminded members to address the club president by “Mister” or “Madame President” and to wait to be recognized before making a motion.

Amy Summervill reported for community leaders. The club needs more project leaders to volunteer this year.

Club officers were reminded to complete officer training before Jan. 10. Yearly club dues are being collected by the treasurer.

Rylee Thomas led the club in signing “Happy Birthday” to those with January birthdays.

The club’s community service committee collected lip balm to be distributed at Marion Elementary School.

Tripp Peterson led the club in a Build Sentences game for recreation.

Noah Schmidt demonstrated how to make peanut butter Rice Krispies and Ruby Schmidt demonstrated how to make peanut butter blossoms for their food and nutrition projects then shared samples from their projects. Other refreshments were provided by the Countryman family.

Ryker Salsbury, reporter

Last modified Feb. 2, 2022