• Last modified 1431 days ago (March 18, 2021)



Lincolnville Wide Awake

Committee members Jenaya Plett, Emily Casey, and Olivia Carlson reported at Lincolnville Wide Awake 4-H club’s March 1 Zoom meeting that they distributed 150 COVID-19 face masks at Centre schools.

Olivia Carlson will be interviewed this month by the Kansas Foundation about the club’s Kansas Beats the Virus project.

Sixteen members, three leaders, and two parents responded to roll call by answering: “If you could talk to a famous person, who would it be and why?”

Ryan Carlson led singing of the song, “Raining Tacos.” The club formed a committee for creating and designing a recipe book. The club heard reports about Multi-County Club Day, which will be conducted online through Monday, and played 4-H trivia.

“Happy Birthday” was sung to Emmanuel Clausing and Ryan Carlson.

Aaron Carlson led the club in playing an object memory game. The club’s next meeting via Zoom will be at 6:30 p.m. April 12.

Ernest Clausing, reporter

Last modified March 18, 2021