• Last modified 877 days ago (Sept. 22, 2022)


OCT. 4, 1962

A foiled burglary at Friday night Wingerd’s IGA led to a manhunt for two Missouri men thought to have been involved in several burglaries in the area. The suspects fled on foot. Two young females found in the back seat of a vehicle with Missouri plates during a door-to-door search later admitted being friends of the burglars. A search for the men continues.

A fine new activity center just being completed by St. Mark Catholic Church officially will open Oct. 14.

The “boys” of Company M, 139th Infantry, 35th Division, World War I, will gather this coming June at Marion County Park and Lake for a reunion.

The league-leading Marion Warriors, coached by Charles Norris, were again this week in the sports limelight by being ranked by the Topeka Daily Capital as third in Class B ball in the state.

Winners of kids’ games at Old Settlers Day included Don Bredemeier and Tony Turner, three-legged race for younger boys; Roger Johnson and Dean Ensey, older boys three-legged race; Barbara Bailey and Mona Klein, girls three-legged race; Kendall Helmer, sack race for younger boys; Frank Tajchman, sack race for older boys; Jeanette Giles, girls sack race; Brad Case, younger boys 50-yard dash; Randy Smith, older boys 50-yard dash; and Susan Yeagley, girls 50-yard dash.

Last modified Sept. 22, 2022