• Last modified 43 days ago (Dec. 5, 2024)


dec. 10, 1964

More than 160 students from the junior classes at 10 high schools in Marion County were at the courthouse Tuesday to take part in the annual County Government Day sponsored by the American Legion.

Cottonwood Valley Saddle Horse Association will proceed with plans to build a steel exposition building on the athletic grounds east of Marion.

Door prize winners at Conyers Flowers’s open house were Jeanne Keazer of Marion, flocked Christmas tree; Mrs. Carl Ihde, Herington, centerpiece; Lysle Russell, Marion, three-bloom poinsettia; Lucy Darrow, Wichita, second centerpiece; Alice Weber, Burns, door piece; and Mrs. Menno Harder, Hillsboro, one-bloom poinsettia.

James Meisner, Marion County engineer, was among featured speakers Dec. 3 and 4 at a University of Kansas conference about use of rock in road construction. His topic was “Marginal Rock.”

Dennis Hett, Marion High senior, has received a handsome bronze medal as 1965 winner of an award given by Bausch & Lomb for superior scientific aptitude. This award makes Dennis eligible to compete for science scholarships at the University of Rochester.

Last modified Dec. 5, 2024