• Last modified 1310 days ago (Oct. 1, 2020)


october 5, 1950

A large gas transport belonging to Goertz Oil Co. of Hillsboro is pictured as it is being lifted Thursday morning from the South Cottonwood River bed three miles west of town by a Riddle Quarries crane. The transport jack-knifed and pulled the whole rig over the 25-foot bank into the river bottom. The driver, Harvey Loewen, escaped with minor injuries.

The north end of Elm Street is a busy place these days. August Hett is pouring cement for the massive basement of the new home he is building just north of the McKay property. Work also has begun on the house for Mr. and Mrs. A.J. Shull west of the Fred Hayens.

An enthusiastic throng of Warrior boosters followed their team to Cottonwood Falls Friday evening to see the powerful Marion outfit defeat Chase County Consolidated High School in a 22 to 0 gridiron victory.

From the Grapes correspondent, Mrs. Henry Collett, comes this article: “The pupils of Loveless School had a turtle race Wednesday afternoon. “Tootles,” Gerry Herzet’s turtle won 1st. “Creep-Along,” belonging to Jon Soyez, was 2nd and Roma Collett’s “Billy” was third.”

Jerry Seifert and his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Seifert, entertained with an overnight party and breakfast Friday. Guests were Keith Hyde, Edward Davies, Robert Meisinger, Donald Winters, Bruce Wingerd, Dick Hoch, and David Montgomery.

Last modified Oct. 1, 2020