75 years ago
dec. 15. 1949
The Marion area is one of many being considered as a location for a proposed U.S. Air Force Academy.
Last week, Marion Chamber of Commerce received a letter from the Air Force similar to ones received by other cities in the vicinity concerning the forthcoming selection of the site.
At a meeting Monday night, Max Jackson, popular young Marion businessman, was elected president of the Chamber of Commerce for the coming year. Jackson will be assisted by L.L. Hadsell, who was elected vice president.
In a joint meeting between the hospital board and the school board Wednesday night, an agreement was reached whereby the school board purchased the former Clara Duncan home and adjoining grounds on S. Lincoln St. from the hospital association.
The area is to be used as the location for a new gymnasium and vocational agriculture building.
C.F. Brooker, probably the oldest living member of Marion County’s pioneer families, is celebrating his 96th birthday Dec. 23.
His experience and memory goes back to when he came with the family to Peabody on the first main line train that carried passengers. That was in 1871.
Last modified Dec. 11, 2024