• Last modified 888 days ago (Aug. 11, 2022)


‘Does it get any better?’

Staff writer

The scanner traffic for Hillsboro police at 10:42 a.m. Aug. 2 is the good stuff of life.

“Are you mobile?” Hillsboro police chief Jessey Hiebert asks deputy chief Randal Brazil.

“I will be,” Brazil answers.

“There’s a lemonade stand over here on Floral that needs visited,” Hiebert explains.

“10-4. I’m en route,” Brazil confirms.

“It’s actually a donut stand. Does it get any better than that?” Hiebert clarifies.

“Wow. That’s not too bad,” Brazil agrees.

Hiebert and Brazil weren’t shutting down the kiddos’ entrepreneurial endeavors. They were giving them business.

“I was patrolling around the pool. I saw a table and just assumed that it was a lemonade stand,” Hiebert told the Record this week.

Two boys from New York were visiting their grandparents. They were hawking a variety of mini donuts — including chocolate and vanilla, s’more-flavored with crushed graham crackers — for a quarter a pop.

Hiebert dropped about $3.

“We made it worth their while,” the chief said.

The boys took their photo with police — perhaps fodder for a “what I did on my summer vacation” show-and-tell.

Hillsboro police always support children trying to make some walking-around money, Hiebert said.

“No matter what they’re selling, you gotta stop,” he said.

Last modified Aug. 11, 2022