• Last modified 349 days ago (March 6, 2024)


‘Gordon’ Smith

Services for former Hillsboro businessman Leslie “Gordon” Smith, 84, who died Feb. 19 at his home in Newton, will be 11 a.m.  March 14 at Meridian Baptist Church, Newton. Pastors Scott Kliewer and Caleb Wood will preside.

Born April 9, 1939, in Independence, Missouri, Gordon attended school and was bused to Kansas City for high school.

After graduation, he attended Westminster College in Fulton, Missouri, and received a bachelor’s degree in psychology from National College in Kansas City, preaching at churches in two small towns in northwest Missouri while a student.

After graduation, he worked as a manufacturing representative for Congoleum Flooring first in Arkansas and Texas and then in Colorado. He attended Dallas Theological Seminary and St. Paul School of Theology, Leawood, and worked in business administration at a church in Prairie Village.

He and Ruth Ann Schmidt Smith met in Kansas City and were married Sept. 21, 1973, in Loveland, Colorado.

She survives along with children Tamara Sevart of Kansas City; Gregory Asher of Southlake, Texas; and Linda Cox of Windsor, Colorado; 12 grandchildren; and seven great-grandchildren.

Son David preceded him in death.

Memorials have been established with the church and Good Shepherd Hospice, Newton.

Last modified March 6, 2024