• Last modified 399 days ago (Dec. 21, 2023)


A visit from a more jolly Ghost of Christmas Past

Remember how, in 2011, Taryn Kraus asked for a jewelry box and some Squinkies for herself, green tractors and a truck for brother Ryder, and pink cupcakes and a winter dress for sister Dylan?

Or in 2008, how Chloe Burkholder wanted an IPod and a cell phone or an IPod Shuffle?

We’ve selected a few of the more memorable letters from the past so everyone can see the type of holiday cheer some people will be missing from 2023 because Marion Elementary teachers decided to boycott the newspaper’s annual Dear Santa section.

  • In 2004, Devin Hamm wanted a real red dog named Clifford, a big-kid bike, a big Nemo helmet, a big sandbox where he could play with his dump trucks, and a very big water gun to squirt his sister and cousin.
  • In 2002, Erika Herzet asked for a K-State sweat shirt, a Minnie Mouse dance dress and tap shoes, and “jazzy” pants.

Amanda Hoffman wanted a teddy bear and a baby pup — a real one — and promised to leave a sandwich on the table.

Chuck Bina asked for a remote-control airplane and a real telephone, promising to leave cookies under the tree and urging Santa to say “hi” to Toy Boy.

  • In 2001, Aaron Bina asked for an arcade game, said he loved hunting, and noted that his brother had shot a deer — which he said he hoped wasn’t Rudolph.

Brandon Meierhoff promised to leave puppy chow for Santa after asking for PlayStation games, rollerblades, a cotton candy maker, more Hot Wheels, slippers, binoculars, and a telescope. He told Santa his mom wanted film, and his dad wanted a K-State flag.

  • In 1996, Lindsey asked for a tumbling baby and stroller for herself, a remote control car for Jeffrey, a new robe for Mom, and some money for Dad.
  • In 1994, Clint Jeffrey wanted a remote-control car, a real golf set, and a police uniform, which we think he later got.
  • In 1992, Amanda Hoffman asked for a K-State pillow, Baby All Gone, a potty baby, snowboots, Talking Battleship, a jogging suit like her Mom’s, Splash ’n’ Tan Kids, Pretty Pretty Crimp ’n’ Curl, a keyboard, Wheel of Fortune, Mall Madness, Gameboy, Baby Tummy Talks, My Little Nursery, a double-play highchair, Magic Fax Machine, and a Porsche.
  • In 1991, Nick Carlson wanted a BB pistol, some Star Wars people, a police car, house shoes, and a watch band.

Ashley Loomis wanted a puppy, a kitten, and a Barbie dream house for herself and a train for Brian while promising to leave sugar for the reindeer and fruit and milk for Santa.

  • In 1989, Erin O’Dell asked for a kitten, a Debbie Gibson tape, and a new dress while reporting that her sister wants everything she sees.
  • In 1986, Sarah Crofoot wanted Lincoln logs, a train set, doll clothes and a camera, telling Santa that Andy wanted a scoop tractor.
  • In 1982, Brad Druse asked for a football helmet, uniform, and pads, and Kevin Marler wanted a semi suitcase, a backhoe tractor, a radio-control car, and a Pacman game, plus a toy for his cousin Charlie.
  • In 1981, Mickey Druse wanted a Barbie house, roller skates, and a Pretty Cut ’n’ Grow.
  • In 1980, Meggan Silhan wanted a Lite Brite and finger nail polish for herself and a spring horse for Freddy.

Melanie Cleeton wanted a baby doll, some puzzles, and a Miss Piggy hand puppet for herself and “something nice” for her baby sister while notifying Santa that she planned to be at Grandma’s for Christmas.

Kevin Marler asked for a Wristracer car, transport truck, and race track while promising to leave cookies and milk.

  • In 1979, making the same promise, Michel Soyez wanted 10 fences for his farm set, a race track, a pair of boots, and some cowboy clothes.

Kristy Herbel wanted to have her ears pierced and get some shoe skates, clothes, and a Barbie.

Kristin Groening asked for a wireless microphone, Mr. Mouth, and footed pajamas for herself and a talking telephone and clothes for sister Jenny.

  • In 1978, Stephanie Burkholder wanted a U-Drive-It.
  • In 1977, after asking about Toy Boy, Christine Laue said she wanted a This and That Doll and a grocery shopping cart.
  • In 1976, Bart Spachek wanted a toy motorcycle and dragster racing car “or anything else you want to bring me,” reminding Santa that he had three older brothers and Mom and Dad, too.
  • In 1967, Nathan Smith requested a Lite Brite and race track, and Valerie Smith asked for a rocking chair.

Julie Ann Hett wanted a lucky locket, a Kiddle set, Mr. Ed the Talking Horse, a Barbie doll, a Raggedy Ann pajama bag, a walking doll on roller skates, and a ballerina dress for herself and a typewriter for her brother.

  • In 1966, Rose Marie Bina wanted size 1½ go-go boots, a purse with a long strap, leather gloves, and a purse to match.
  • In 1965, Nancy Wood asked for a play dog, a buggy, and Baby Peaches.
  • In 1964, Jim Koslowsky wanted a rifle, slippers, and three more turkeys for a farm set Santa gave him a year before.
  • In 1963, Scott Gutsch asked for a train for himself, a doll buggy for sister Lynley, a tractor for Daddy, and new faucets for Mommy.

Jay Schendiman wanted a Fred Flintstone punching bag, a Slinkey, a Password game, a combat patrol set and combat outfit, and Clancy the Great and Gaylord the Pup

  • In 1962, Jimmy Hoch wanted a dirt-moving machine, some new tools and an extension cord because Daddy always was stealing his, and whatever gun Santa thought would be right for him.
  • In 1961, Jack Hett asked for a gun, Teresa Hett for a new baby doll, and both of them for lots of nuts and candy for their brothers and sisters, especially Daddy, Tom, who eats so much of everyone else’s.
  • In 1957, Rita Hein asked for a bride doll with little high heels and a top and blocks for her sister.
  • In 1955, Tony Klenda wanted an aeroplane, a watch, a small combine, and a BB gun for himself along with a BB gun and eight boxes of BB shots for his brother, David, and a real pony with four legs that can walk, just like Uncle Vincent’s, for his brother Johnny, who also will need a saddle.

Raymond Bina wanted a two-gun holster and cowboy suit.

  • In 1952, Patsy Warneke asked for a bride doll, a buggy, and a suitcase.
  • In 1951, Joseph Klenda asked for a new puppy — “alive” — and a BB gun, a scope, and a camera.

Deanna Klenda asked for a baby doll and a box of clay for herself, a water gun and a pen and pencil set for her brother, and a billfold for her teacher.

Juanita Kelsey asked for a toy truck and “puppy (alive)” for her little brother and an Indian bracelet, ring, and necklace and Monopoly set for herself, noting that she hoped her requests were not too much.

Last modified Dec. 21, 2023