These accidents were reported to Marion County law enforcement agencies:
Truck strikes fence on Sunflower Road near 90th
Cody Michael Hiebert, 18, 401 S. Cedar St., Marion, lost control of his 1985 Chevrolet pickup at 11:15 a.m. Aug. 15 on Sunflower Road. The vehicle started to enter an east ditch and the driver over-corrected, causing the vehicle to enter a west ditch and go through a fence.
Driver loses control on K-15 near 140th Road
The driver of a 2002 Pontiac passenger car, Charles V. Ayers, 54, 580 150th Road, Hillsboro, tried to avoid a raccoon while he was driving on K-15 at 4 p.m. Aug. 19.
Pickup hits deer on K-150 near Alfalfa Road
A 2010 Ford Ranger pickup, driven by Dean M. Connell, 66, 406 S. Coble St., Marion, struck a deer at 10 p.m. Aug. 25, when the deer ran into the path of the truck.
Vehicle is sideswiped on Indigo Road near 170th
A vehicle sideswiped a 1996 Nissan passenger car at 7:20 p.m. Aug. 26, when Melanie Wiebe, 25, 402 S. Wilson St., Hillsboro, was southbound on Indigo Road. The unknown vehicle struck the outside mirror and continued north toward Hillsboro.
Parked car stuck on Marion Street, Goessel
Elma R. Goertz, 86, 205 N. Wheat St., Goessel, struck a 2006 Dodge pickup, owned by Rollin K. Schmidt, 308 E. Marion St., Goessel, at 3 p.m. Aug. 28, when she backed from a parking stall in a 1997 Ford Escape.
Vehicles collide on 50th Road near Newell
Willard V. Harms, 80, 1559 50th Road, Peabody, was driving out of a drive in a 2005 Dodge pickup at 8:45 a.m. Aug. 29, when a 1986 Dodge pickup, driven by Justin Eugene England, 50, 120 ½ Walnut, Apt. B, Peabody, struck him.
Vehicle hits dog on K-15 near 150th Road
A dog was struck and killed by a 2004 Honda passenger car, driven by Lamon C. Killough, 51, 5 Fairway Drive, Marion, at 7:25 a.m. Aug. 30. The driver was unable to avoid the animal because of oncoming traffic.
Deer struck on U.S. 56 near 250th Road
A deer was struck and killed by a 2011 Chevrolet passenger car, driven by Travis Theodis Chaney, 33, New Orleans, La., as he traveled on U.S. 56 at 5:45 a.m. Sept. 1.
Falling rocks damage windshield on U.S. 56 near milepost 290
Greg D. Nikkel, 30, Leesburg, Ohio, was driving a 1988 Peterbuilt truck loaded with rock at 3:30 p.m. Sept. 2 on U.S. 56. The driver accidentally activated the rear hatch, allowing rocks to fall out of the trailer. He could not slow down and stop before rocks hit the windshield of a 2002 Ford Escape, driven by Carl Clinton Holdren, 36, McPherson.