The following accidents were reported to Marion County law enforcement agencies:
Milepost 285 on U.S. 56 near K-15
Jonathan A. Carver, 28, Garden City, was driving west on U.S. 56 in a 2001 Ford van, registered to Carvers Service of Grandview, Mo., at 8:37 a.m. March 9, when he failed to see a 1997 International truck, driven by Jerry Storrer, 34, Emporia, slow down in front of him. The van struck the left corner of the trailer, scraping it for a short distance, before entering a north ditch. The truck was registered to APAC-Kansas of Emporia.
No injuries were reported.
Milepost 300 on U.S. 56 near Quail Creek Road
Wayne R. Hoffman, 57, 1626 230th Road, Marion, was driving a 1994 Geo truck east on U.S. 56 at 5:50 a.m. April 19, when a deer entered the roadway and was struck by the truck.
The driver was not injured.
Nighthawk Road near 90th
Jerry C. Schmidt, 39, Newton, was traveling north on Nighthawk Road at 1:15 p.m. April 20, in a vehicle registered to Mid-Kansas Cooperative, no make or model was listed in the report, when the vehicle was struck from behind by Tawny Jude Wynn, 19, 208 N. Vine St., Peabody.
No injuries were reported.
Sunrise Road near U.S. 56
Jon W. Thole, 70, 2005 Sunrise Road, Marion, was backing from his drive at 3:40 p.m. April 22, in a 2002 GMC truck, and did not notice Margaret L Harris, 69, 2267 Alfalfa Road, Marion, backing across the road in a 1999 Ford Explorer. The truck scrapping the rear bumper.
No injuries were reported.