The following accidents were reported to Marion County law enforcement agencies:
North Third and Santa Fe streets, Marion:
Phyllis N. Kreutziger, 62, 636 E. Main, Marion, was westbound on Santa Fe Street, Marion, and made a right turn onto North Third Street in a 2008 Jeep passenger vehicle at 10:35 a.m. Feb. 25, when her foot slipped off the brake, causing the vehicle to strike the wall of a building. Marion Police Officer Robert Soyez reported there were no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.
U.S.-50 near U.S.-77:
Dustin J. Caya, 25, Bagley, Wis., was eastbound on U.S.-50 near U.S.-77 in a 2005 Chevrolet Impala at 7 p.m. March 14, when he looked down at his phone and entered the round a bout, driving on a grassy area where he hit a sign. He continued on U.S.-50 until he was out of the round a bout. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Jim Philpott reported no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.
U.S.-50 near Sunflower Road:
Ralph W. Ballinger, 35, 414 Grandview Street, Florence, was westbound on U.S.-50 near Sunflower Road in a 1998 Dodge pickup at 7 a.m. March 18, when a deer came from a north ditch and was struck. Jessica L. Slater, 22, of the same address as the driver, was a passenger. Deputy Wilson reported no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.
K-15 near 160th Road:
Stanley E. May, 61, 1858 170th Road, Marion, was southbound on K-15 near 160th Road in a 2007 Ford truck owned by Bradbury Company, Moundridge, at 7:10 a.m. March 19, when a deer came from an east ditch and was struck. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Travis Wilson reported no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.
Marion Street near Buller Street, Goessel:
Elva L. Plett, 83, 312 Meadowlane, Goessel, was backing from a driveway to go west on Marion Street near Buller Street in a 2000 Chrysler van at 4:45 p.m. March 20, when her vehicle struck the left door of a 1993 Dodge pickup that was parked. The pickup was registered to Jeffrey T. Stone, 207 S. Church, Goessel. Marion County Sheriff Deputy Duane McCarty reported no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.
Remington Road near 150th Road:
Heather K. Looney, 18, 2299 140th Road, Florence was southbound on Remington Road near 150th Road in a 2000 Dodge Durango at 11:55 p.m. March 21, when a deer ran in front of the vehicle from east side and was struck. Marion County Undersheriff David Huntley reported Clayton Garnica, 21, same address as the driver, was a passenger in the vehicle and the vehicle was registered to him. There were no injuries and more than $1,000 in damages.