• Last modified 3389 days ago (Jan. 21, 2015)


Auxiliary volunteers give 20,000 hours of service

News editor

While 2014 was the second-best on record for the St. Luke Auxiliary Shoppe, auxiliary members keep coming up big in volunteerism.

Volunteerism was a clear winner among auxiliary activities reported at Thursday’s annual dinner meeting at Eastmoor United Methodist Church. About 80 members and guests attended.

Hours aren’t tracked by individual, but collectively, members volunteered 19,727 hours last year.

“Many hours are worked that are not written down, which means our volunteer hours were well over 20,000 for the year,” past president Elora Robinson said.

Put another way, that would be the equivalent of seven people working eight hours a day, every day of the year. Using the federal minimum wage as a base, it’s the equivalent of $145,000 of donated time and effort.

Volunteers at the thrift shop are perhaps the most visible, but others embroider tea towels and make clothing protectors, host coffees at St. Luke Living Center, take extra clothing to Wichita for Missions, facilitate meetings and potlucks, serve on boards, and attend numerous local, district, and state meetings.

“Our volunteers are amazing,” Robinson said.

Profits from the thrift shop were $44,778, up more than $11,000 from 2013. The most profitable year for the shop was 2009, when it pulled in $48,185.

Outgoing president Janet Herzet said the funds are put to good use for St. Luke Hospital and Living Center.

“Some of the projects that the Auxiliary funded this year included $25,000 for the digital mammography machine, chocolates for employees on Valentine’s Day, a new grill for the facility, and $10 for each resident at Christmas,” Herzet said.

She said the auxiliary also provides gift certificates at the shop for those in need, and gives clothing and shoes to Head Start and other children.

Officers for 2015 were introduced, including new president Lenore Dieter, secretary Elora Robinson, treasurer Eileen Sieger, membership chair Mary Griffth, unit chair Feebie Holdeman, unit secretary Judy Reno, and program chair Mary Olson.

Last modified Jan. 21, 2015