• Last modified 1395 days ago (April 22, 2021)


League results

Gutter Dusters

Marion National Bank won 4-0 over Marion County Park and Lake, SherBowl Lanes won 3-1 over Carlsons’ Grocery, Robinson Trucking and Central National Bank split 2-2, and Tacos Food Truck had a 1-3 bye April 14.

Team Standings W L

Robinson Trucking 65 35

Marion National Bank 61 39

SherBowl Lanes 56½ 43½

Marion Co Lake & Parks 54 46 Tacos Food Truck 45 43

Carlson’s Grocery 51 49

Central National Bank 50½ 49½

Team highs — Marion National Bank, 1,688 scratch series and 835 game and 2,468 series including handicap; Marion County Park and Lake, 595 scratch game.

Men — Randy Bryant, 182 game and 470 series scratch; Kevin Robinson, 230 game, and Isaac Hett, 628 series including handicap.

Women — Jayden Hallowell, 238 handicap game and 476 scratch series; Shyla Harris, 189 scratch game; Wilma Nice, 661 handicap series.

Last modified April 22, 2021