monday Night league
Tampa State Bank defeated D&J Liquor 3-1 Oct. 29; Willy J’s 9th Lane defeated Valley UMC 3-1, Marion Mfg. defeated Central National Bank 3-1.
Team high 10 and 30 — Willy J’s 9th Lane, 724 and 1940 scratch, Tampa State Bank 897 and 2464 handicap.
Men’s high 10 and 30 — Jason Funk 205 and 527 scratch, Sheldon Boone 247 handicap, and Dustin Lewis 672 handicap.
Women’s high 10 and 30 — Kathy Bernhardt 148 and 391 scratch, Kathy Bernhardt 211 handicap and Kathy Noriega 599 handicap.
Tampa State Bank 28 16
Willy J’s 9th Lane 26 18
Marion Mfg. 23.5 20.5
Central National Bank 20.5 23.5
Valley UMC 19 25
D&J Liquor 15 29
gutter dusters league
Central National Bank defeated Marion National Bank 4-0 November 7; Robinson Trucking defeated SherBowl Lanes 4-0; Carlson’s Grocery defeated Lanning Pharmacy 3-1.
Team high 10 and 30 — Robinson Trucking 615 and 1731 scratch; Robinson Trucking 839 handicap, Central National Bank 2461 handicap.
Men’s 10 and 30 — Charlie Svoboda 174 and 471 scratch; Bill Harris 233 handicap and Charlie Svoboda 648 handicap.
Women’s high 10 and 30 — Shyla Harris 174 and Donna Hajek 466 scratch; Donna Hajek 230 and 655 handicap.
Central National Bank 28 16
Lanning Pharmacy 24 20
SherBowlLanes 22.5 21.5
Robinson Trucking 22 22
Marion National Bank 20.5 23.5
Carlsons’ Grocery 15 29