Buffer could become 2nd dollar store
Staff writer
Marion plans to sell a vacant lot at 800 N. Roosevelt St. — platted as a reserve area, not to sold but to be used as a buffer and for utility easements and drainage — to a company planning to build another dollar store half a mile from Dollar General.
When the city announced a coming Dollar General store in 2015, it said no competitors would be allowed in the industrial park, but legal documents do not appear to make that agreement enforceable.
The 2015 Dollar General agreement followed a 2013 Family Dollar decision to back out of a proposal to build a store in Marion.
City council members voted 3-2 Monday to approve a contract to sell the lot for $10,000. Council members Ruth Herbel and Jerry Kline voted against the sale.
The parcel involved is a V-shaped area along Kellison and Roosevelt Sts. at the southwest corner of the industrial park. Roosevelt St. is often a route used by Dollar General customers.
Herbel asked whether the industrial park would have to be replatted. City administrator Roger Holter said that if there was a replat, that would have to be sent to the county.
Holter said the proposed contract stipulates that for 15 years, there will not be a Dollar General store within a half mile of the property. The same section also states it does not apply to any existing business.
Herbel reminded the council that the city earlier agreed with Dollar General not to permit competitors in the industrial park.
Holter answered that Marion’s Dollar General was not part of the proposed new dollar store’s agreement.
City attorney Susan Robson was directed to investigate the Dollar General agreement.
As of press time, Holter had not responded to an email seeking more information.
Last modified July 29, 2021