• Last modified 174 days ago (Aug. 28, 2024)


Burdick gets back on the horse with rodeo

Staff writer

Burdick has big plans for its annual Labor Day rodeo Monday.

The ranch rodeo, long a tradition until it stopped being held several years ago, was revived last year.

This year’s theme is “This ain’t our first rodeo.”

A community church service led by pastor Jim Peters of Hebron Lutheran Church at 9:30 a.m. Sunday at the community tennis courts will kick off the holiday celebration.

Monday events:

All day — 50/50 raffle tickets will be available at the city park and at the rodeo. The winner will get half the pot and does not have to be present to win. Raffle tickets also will be sold for two Adirondack rocking chairs. Winners will be announced during the rodeo.

8 a.m. — Fun run registration begins.

8:30 a.m. — Fun run begins.

9 a.m. — Rolls, coffee, and baked items will be sold at the fire station.

10 a.m. — Vendor booths will be at the shelter house.

10:30 a.m. — World War II presentation and display by Scott Peterson Bounce house with double water slide and mini train rides.

11 a.m. — Homemade ice cream will be sold at the fire station. Turtle races will be run at the tennis courts, participants must bring their own turtles. Music by Justus band will be provided.

11:30 p.m. — Neosho 4-H Club will serve lunch.

Noon — Pie auction.

1:30 p.m. — Pedal power registration and parade lineup will be at the south end of Main Methodist Church parking lot.

2 p.m. — Parade with cash prizes will step off. Afterward, Flint Hills Community Band will perform in the park.

3 p.m. — Pedal power competition, cornhole completion, announcement of parade prizes are planned.

3:30 p.m. — Rodeo rules will be announced at the ballfield.

4 p.m. — Ranch rodeo at the ball field. The rodeo will feature steer mugging, branding, and trailer loading. Entry is by calling or texting (620) 323-0273 or (620)323-0451. Entry fee for three-member teams is $150.

Parade coordinator Adriane Richard said parade floats could be entered in advance or entered during the 2 p.m. parade lineup.

Prizes will be given for the best theme float; judge’s choice; first, second, and third places; most humorous; first and second place for antique cars and trucks; first and second place for antique tractors; first and second place children’s floats; first and second miscellaneous floats; and first and second place for horses.

Last modified Aug. 28, 2024