• Last modified 912 days ago (Jan. 26, 2022)


CANDIDATES: Leavenworth principal 'looking for home'

Leavenworth principal ‘looking for home’

Staff writer

Craig Idacavage toured Hillsboro Elementary School and spoke with teachers Monday before his interview with the Hillsboro school board for the position of superintendent.

Idacavage, principal of David Brewer Elementary in Leavenworth, has taught, coached, or been a principal at five different schools over the past 17 years. When staying with his wife’s godparents in Hillsboro over the holidays, his family fell in love with the community.

“We’re at the point in our lives where we’re looking for home,” he said.

Idacavage grew up in Caldwell, another small community. He started going to college to be an art teacher, found that he liked being an elementary teacher more, and then found he could work well as a principal.

“I’m thankful for the adults in my life who gave me plenty of second chances,” he said.

He talked it over back home in Leavenworth with his wife and children — a daughter in eighth grade and a son in sixth grade — before applying for the open position at Hillsboro.

“We want for our kids what we had growing up,” his wife, Erin, said.

Her husband told teachers at a public reception Monday that he aims to rebuild how they teach for the benefit of students. He also would like to be approachable and active in the school as opposed to “just sitting behind a desk all day.”

The school board is continuing to meet candidates this week.

Last modified Jan. 26, 2022