• Last modified 635 days ago (May 18, 2023)


Centre FFA selects officers

New officers were installed Thursday at Centre FFA’s annual banquet. They are Addison Bina, sentinel; Jenna Bittle, reporter; Olivia Carlson, treasurer; Jenaya Plett, secretary; Kaitlyn Bina, vice president; and Allie Stuchlik, president.

Stuchlik received an award for leading fruit salesman, Isabel Rziha was second and Leah Brunner, third.

Addison Bina received star greenhand award. Emilee Remmers, alumnus Kyle Peterson, and Jenna Bittle received chapter star awards. Chapter proficiency awards were presented to:

  • Jenna Bittle, for diversified livestock and landscape management.
  • Leah Brunner, beef production placement.
  • Karsen Kroupa, diversified crop production.
  • Dwayne Moenning, agricultural machinery and repair.
  • Anthony Potocnik, vegetable production.
  • Emilee Remmers, veterinary science.
  • Allie Stuchlik, diversified horticulture and equine.
  • Payton Svitak, forage production.

Brunner, Svitak, and Bittle will compete at a state convention at the end of May.

Senior Julia Brunner received Pete Peterson Memorial, Leo Jirak Memorial, FFA alumni, and leadership scholarships. Matthew Basore received leadership and James Weber memorial scholarships.

Former ag adviser Laura (Klenda) Bina received an honorary membership in the Centre FFA chapter.

Last modified May 18, 2023