• Last modified 455 days ago (Nov. 16, 2023)


Centre hears open enrollment policy

Staff writer

An open enrollment policy for the 2024-’25 school year was presented Monday to Centre school board members.

An announcement about the policy will be advertised in the Record for two weeks, and a hearing will be conducted before the board votes on it.

The policy is required to be in place by Jan. 1. It will allow students from outside the district to enroll in Centre schools if space is available.

The district already accepts out-of-district students with board approval, so the policy isn’t expected to have much impact on enrollment.

In other business Monday, Landon Hinkson was hired as junior high girls basketball coach. He will be assisted by Shelby Srajer. Dawson Raymer, boys junior high basketball coach, is assisted by Tim Vinduska.

The board approved $150,000 for Kansas Online Learning Program advertising for the next year. Marella Diane Barton was hired as a part-time aide. She replaces Rachelle Siebert.

Adriane Richard will replace Terry Deines as special education representative beginning Jan. l. Deines and Steve Jirak will be leaving the board.

The board’s December meeting will be at 6 p.m. Dec. 19.

Last modified Nov. 16, 2023