This information was filed last week in civil division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records.
Hillsboro police filed a notice of pending forfeiture May 28 seeking $406, 3.2 grams of marijuana, three small Ziploc baggies, and two marijuana dispensary packages seized April 21 from Bobby I. Shanks, Halls, Tennessee, when he was arrested along with Mark Emmanuel, Montel Stewart, Andre Nelson, Emir Carter, and Taylor Hightower.
Steven A. Holub was ordered May 21 to pay Bluestem Farm and Ranch Supply $228.83 plus costs and interest for unpaid bills.
Steven A. Katz was ordered May 18 to pay Hospital District No. 1 $444.88 plus interest and costs for unpaid medical bills.
Curtis Roudybush was ordered May 21 to pay Countryside Feed $182.37 plus costs and interest for an unpaid account.
Brent E. and Jane Pigorsch were ordered May 21 to pay Newton Healthcare Corp. $14,553.61 plus costs and interest for unpaid medical bills.
Blane Schurle was ordered May 21 to pay Countryside Feed $1,538.56 plus costs and interest for an unpaid account.
Lisa Adame filed a petition May 25 for approval of a settlement with Christina Vazquez. Vazquez was the driver of a car in which two children were injured in an accident in Arizona. Adame is the children’s next friend in the court action.
Last modified June 3, 2021