• Last modified 1017 days ago (Oct. 13, 2021)


Collett, Hayen families gather for reunion

The 62nd annual reunion of the Collett and Hayen families gathered 52 people in Marion Central Park on Sunday.

CDC regulations led to cancellation of the reunion last year and the choice to gather outdoors instead of in Marion County Lake Hall.

Following a light lunch, the business meeting was presided over by president Collette Erickson and secretary Hollyce Morris. Brea Castleberry was named as president and Collette Erickson was named as secretary for 2022. Basements and garages have been checked, but the missing President’s Tote has not been found.

Family events over the two years including two weddings and the birth of eight children were shared.

The next reunion will be Oct. 9, 2022.

Attendees from Marion included Max and Donna Hayen, Stacey and Carla Collett, Randy and Rachel Collett, Zach, Keri, Rosalyn, and Calvin Collett, Greg and Mary Beth Bowers, Chris and Kathy Meierhoff, Erin and Keenan Meierhoff, Shirley Bowers, Richard Bowers, Mark Collett, Virginia Downing, and Tom Thomas.

Attendees from out of town included Martin and Melinda Gravenstein, Box Elder, South Dakota; Brea, Lily, Silas, Magnolia, Verbena, and Juniper Castleberry from Burns; Brent and Amy Hayen from Canton; Rick and Collette Erickson, Keith Collett, and Howard Collett from Chapman.

Also, Lancer, Bethany, and Hollyanne Brayton from Lawrence; Roma Skaggs and Konnie Schuman from Lenexa; John Umburger from Lincolnville; Rebecca Wagner from Overland Park; Andrea Alstatt, Kiaan Seay, Colleen Sly, and Anita Sly from Salina; Dan and Hollyce Morris from Topeka; and Marge Talbott, Deanna Talbott, Lillian Collett, and Esteban Vela from Wichita.

Last modified Oct. 13, 2021