• Last modified 1129 days ago (June 23, 2021)


Community is sold on idea of garage sales

Staff writer

Both sides of a garage sale find a thrill in haggling for items.

“Are you sure you only want one?” a seller asks as a buyer approaches with half of a pair of miniature shopping carts. “Those two have been together forever. I’ll take $2 off if you take both.”

Goessel has hosted a citywide garage sale every year for roughly 40 years, prompting residents to put old clothing, toys, equipment, and other memorabilia out on the grass.

This year, the sale was Saturday, taking advantage of traffic for Mennonite Heritage Museum’s annual car show.

A map was available online but it proved inaccurate, as many sale hosts didn’t plan to have a sale until after they saw the number of potential buyers browsing the streets.

Leann Toews, 77, wasn’t even supposed to be in Kansas during the sale.

“I was supposed to be in Pennsylvania,” she said. “But I’ve got a nice shady spot here in the yard, and people are coming. It’s a bit of a hassle to get everything out and priced, but other people were doing it, so I might as well.”

Jadlyn O’Neill, 42, had a similar lack of planning.

“I don’t usually have a garage sale,” she said, “but I have a lot of shhh — stuff.”

A neighbor came by to look at baby shoes that no longer fit O’Neill’s elementary-grade children. O’Neill asked coyly whether the neighbor was trying to tell her she was expecting, which the neighbor denied with a laugh.

The sales prompted plenty of neighbor interaction, spring cleaning, and treasure hunts. A bit of extra pocket money and a few more names learned made it worth it for sellers.

“I might do it again next year,” O’Neill said.


Staff photoS by Mindy Kepfield

The last row of the Vogel’s wheat field and their harvest truck are seen Saturday from the cab of a combine. So far, the crop looks really good, Vogel said. Test weights for this year’s crop have averaged at 60 bushels per acre.


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they have been and are giving area farmers reason for hope.

“It’s an outstanding price,” said Dan O’Brien, a professor of agricultural economics with Kansas State University

The U.S. average for wheat on June 10 was higher at $6.50, but last year’s price was $5.05. The year before it was $4.58.

“It’s quite an opportunity for people who get a good crop in,” O’Brien said. “My thought is that prices have been so volatile, and there are so many factors that could drive it up or down it seems good to take advantage of a good wheat price when you have it.

Vogel said the county’s wet spring forced him to spray fungicide to control disease. He has seen test weights “ranging from 50 to 70 bushels an acre.

John Ottensmeier, manager at Cooperative Grain and Supply, Marion said test weights were averaging about 58.

Early moisture and sudden heat ripened the crop fast, said Chuck Knight, location manager at Mid-Kansas Co-op, Peabody.

“I had some tell me they’ve never cut as dry a wheat with as green as the straw as what the straw was,” he said, adding that test weights were 59 to 60.

Greg Oborny was helping father David Oborny harvest north of Marion, but said the fields were still pretty wet Saturday.

David Oborny said test weights were “about average,” ranging from 53 to 60 bushels an acre.

“Nothing spectacular,” he said. “Last year was better than this year. It’s pretty good if the price will hang in there, but we’ll take what we can get.”

The state’s wheat crop was rated 9% poor, 23% fair, 52% good, and 11% excellent, by the National Agriculture Statistics Service.

“There has been a lot of yield variability this year; some of it has been really great,” The late heat damaged some yields and wheat proteins are testing lower this year, but that creates an opportunity for farmers who turn up with a good crop to be paid a premium price.

“If they are fortunate enough to have a crop with good protein value, it will be really jealously owned by anybody who could take advantage of that.”

Many grain elevators will blend higher protein wheat with other grains to offset low protein loads.

A tight corn crop might provide another market for wheat.

“They are not far from major feed lots,” O’Brien said. “If corn supplies or really tight it could create cash support for central Kansas wheat until fall feed grain becomes available.”

The price of corn is 11% or 12% above wheat which provides part of the incentive, he said.

“The wheat may not be made into bread if supplies of corn are so tight wheat may become feed,” he said. “It would be another factor to give support to the wheat market. Lots will need to secure supplies of grain to feed livestock.”

Area farmers maintain cautious optimism about the markets.

“It’s been nice to have prices a little higher,” Vogel said. “They are certainly higher than they have been in five years, but costs have risen for fuel and fertilizer as well.”

Vogel already is looking nervously at the row crops and hoping this week will bring needed moisture.

“If we don’t get some rain these next few weeks, we could see some serious damage there,” he said.

Hot, dry weather is expected to last until this weekend with more triple-digit heat in store Thursday, according to Andy Kleinsasser, a forecaster with the National Weather Service.

A cold front will move in Friday night, bringing a 60% to 70% percent chance of rain.

“There is enough moisture and instability that some strong or severe thunderstorms are possible,” he said. “Aside from any severe weather that pops up, there is a potential for heavy rainfall.”

Marion County RECORD — Hillsboro Star-Journal — PEABODY Gazette-Bulletin


Staff photoS by madeline reida

Jadlyn O’Neill uses a pair of trees in her yard to string up her kids’ old jackets and Halloween costumes.


A miniature shopping cart, a Kermit doll from 1987, a Greek-style planter, and a trio of computer games that easily go for $15 to $40 each online are just a few garage sale finds.


Marion farmer Alan Vogel harvests wheat Saturday. Most of his crop is looking good; some of it is the best he has seen in 10 years.

“I’ve got a nice shady spot here in the yard, and people are coming. It’s a bit of a hassle to get everything out and priced, but other people were doing it, so I might as well.”
— LEANN Toews


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She apparently was the only passenger in the car which may have become airborne before leaving the roadway.

Monitored radio transmissions indicated that law enforcement on the scene suspected she was intoxicated.


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iff’s deputy already were performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation when ambulance crews arrived about nine minutes after they were dispatched.

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$686,000 for services provided by Kirkham Michaels, an outside engineering firm hired to oversee road work as the wind farm was built.

A portion of Kirkham Michaels’ fees was deducted from a payment in lieu of taxes that Enel made in 2019.

“That’s what we’ve been negotiating,” Dallke said. “They took it out of the PILOT payment, and they don’t have to pay the PILOT payment, so what can you do?”

Meier also questioned commissioner David Crofoot about money paid to a Kechi boat dock company in January 2020 to repair the county’s covered fishing dock after it was destroyed in a storm six months earlier.

The county paid Ben’s Boat Docks a $102,000 down payment, but little progress was made. The county arranged in March to pay $3,000 to haul pieces purchased for the dock back to Marion County. It then gave the building contract to a different company, Nelson-Fowles.

Meier objected to paying the Kechi company in advance.

“I don’t do that,” he said. “I get my stuff. I pay for it.”

Crofoot said the county had to pay for Darryl Brewer to haul the boat dock pieces because a wide load permit would be needed.

“It only costs $10 to get a wide load permit,” Meier said. “Just do something. Use your hands on it; don’t use your butts.”

The county has considered suing Ben’s Boat Docks.

In other business Monday, commissioners:

  • Met representatives of Orsted, a Danish company that purchased Diamond Vista Wind Farm in May. Jonathan Vasdekas, project development manager, said the company soon would have a timeline for project construction.
  • Accepted a $9,467 bid for a new courthouse flagpole.
  • Met in separate executive sessions with county appraiser Carl Miller and assistant appraiser Nikki Reid, who is training to replace him, to discuss Miller’s contract, which is soon to expire. When open meeting resumed, Dallke said commissioners would make a decision next week.


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that the redirection affected every computer attempting to reach the website via links from both Google and Bing.

This means the redirection was generated by the computer that hosts the city’s site, not by computers of people attempting to view the site or the search engines themselves.

Hacking tutorials uncovered by the Record describe what happened as a “Conditional Pharma Hack” and assert that the most common way it is accomplished is for a file called “.htaccess” in the root of the server directory to be modified by a person possessing the system’s highest level user name and password.

The problem unexpectedly cleared up Tuesday morning soon after the Record suggested that the city request to see the “.htaccess” file from its website.

When asked, Rick Burcky, a retired sanitation worker who runs the site for the city, denied that any malicious code had been entered in that file. He said he was at a loss to explain why the problem disappeared.

Asked if the city would take any action against anyone because of the problem, Holter said the city “continues to explore all options necessary to provide secure and reliable access to information via our website to our citizens and visitors.”

Burcky said anyone having problems getting onto the city website was welcome to call his mobile number at (620) 381-4013.

During a June 14 city council meeting, city clerk Tiffany Jeffrey said she would like to have a new city website.

The city website was affected by a similar attack April 24 to May 1, 2019.

Jeffrey said the city had talked to website hosting companies before the COVID-19 pandemic, and city officials had been told to comprise a list of what they would like to change about the city website.


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Larned State Hospital about 3 a.m. Tuesday, Craft said.

Jasper has been a frequent inmate for drug charges and violations of his probation.

“We’ve had multiple contacts with him these past two years,” Craft said.

His latest arrest June 15 by Hillsboro police was on suspicion of criminal, threat, disorderly conduct, and interference with law enforcement.

Last modified June 23, 2021