• Last modified 39 days ago (Dec. 5, 2024)


Council making headway on administrator

Staff writer

Marion City Council members moved closer to hiring a new city administrator by reviewing at the meeting Monday a survey of what they most want in an administrator.

The last administrator, Brogan Jones, resigned a year ago and moved to Neodesha. Since then, retired Emporia city manager Mark McAnarney has served as interim administrator.

Survey results shared by John Deardoff of the Kansas League of Municipalities indicated that the council hoped to find an administrator with up to four years experience and at least a bachelor’s degree, though experience can be substituted for education.

The council’s consensus was one to three years of experience.

Characteristics most wanted are budgeting and economic development experience, approachability, professionalism, a reliable work ethic, being team oriented, and having experience with strategic planning and grant writing.

Deardoff said he was working on a salary survey of towns of similar size and he would return at the Dec. 16 meeting with more information.

In other business, council members got their first look at bids for repair of Elm and Locust Sts.

Bids were $290,691.50 from Vogts Parga Construction, $443,131.94 from Multicrete, and $327,615 from Hett Construction.

Darrin Neufeld of EBH Engineering, told council members a grant awarded in 2022 could pay up to 70% of the cost.

He said EBH would review project specifications with an eye to shaving off 30% some bid contingencies.

“This is for informational purposes tonight,” Neufeld said.

He said he would return at a later meeting to recommend which of three bids to accept.

Last modified Dec. 5, 2024