• Last modified 294 days ago (April 18, 2024)


County roads to get work

Drivers will be affected by work on several county roads in coming days.

Work on 290th Rd. from US-77 to Zebulon is nearly complete but awaits surface rock.

The first mile of a project to resurface 30th Rd. from Old Mill Rd. to Timber Rd. will begin next week with the section between Old Mill and Pawnee Rds.

A minor rebuild on Goldenrod Rd. between 170th and 160th Rds. will be done to improve drainage.

Also soon to be done are improvements to 250th Rd. between Pawnee and Quail Creek; 240th Rd. between Kanza and K-15; Sunflower Rd. from 240th to 250th Rds. to correct drainage problems; Jade Rd. rebuilt between 170th and 180th Rds.; 240th between K-15 and Kanza to add ditches; and blade patching where needed, beginning the second week of May.

Last modified April 18, 2024