• Last modified 1320 days ago (July 1, 2021)


Couple parks cares and woes

Staff writer

Josh and Alison Tajchman have big dreams for their spot on Main St.

They now have a permanent place for their food truck and hope to give Marion somewhere to gather for live music, friends, and great food.

So far, so good.

The restaurant is usually busy Friday and Saturday nights, and several live bands have played there.

“We just want to have a local spot where people can come together and socialize and be a part of the community,” Josh said.

The building provides Josh extra work space, so he has expanded his So-Cal Mexican menu.

The hut’s garage door opens up onto a patio on warm nights.

Josh had to reframe the structure after he discovered he couldn’t hang any fixtures.

“It’s like we built two buildings,” Alison Tajchman said.

Metal in the building and bar was repurposed from a home that was demolished to make room for the structure.

A single heating and air conditioning unit keeps the interior of the 900-square-foot space comfortable.

That One Place is open mostly on the weekends but may expand its hours. Family will remain a priority, however.

“The reason we got into the food truck business is because he was a corporate chef and he was working 80 hours a week,” Alison said. “It just wasn’t family life at all.”

Alison has plenty of ideas for their venture which she says will be a work in progress for the couple.

“I think people are ready to get out more and enjoy things,” Alison said.

Last modified July 1, 2021