division cases
This information was the most current on file in criminal division of district court as of Friday. Information often is not available until more than a week after hearings because journal entries must be checked by attorneys before they are filed. Fines include court costs.
Michell Lee Simmons, no address, charge of burglary from Texas warrant dismissed without prejudice April 6.
Angela E. Vogelman, 500 N. Walton Ave., Walton, two counts of giving worthless checks dismissed with prejudice Aug. 12.
Chad Dewane VanValenberg, 317 Madison St., Pomona, guilty of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, charges of aggravated endangerment of a child, driving while license suspended, transportation of liquor in an open container, and minimum speeding dismissed with prejudice. Sentenced to immediate supervised probation for 12 months, can become unsupervised after six months, $208.
Joshua Jack Smalley, 502 N. Cedar St., Marion, guilty of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia, charge of endangering a child dismissed with prejudice. Sentencing is scheduled for Sept. 28.
Brett Deard Perrymore, 112 W. Division St., Peabody, pleaded not guilty Aug. 11 to four counts of criminal use of a financial card and one charge misdemeanor theft, pretrial conference scheduled for Sept. 8.
Ray E. Andrews, 520 N. Cedar St., Marion, pleaded not guilty to battery Aug. 11, pretrial conference scheduled for Sept. 8.
Donna Lieder, 313 Ash St., Hillsboro, charge of misdemeanor theft amended Aug. 14 to criminal trespass.