Criminal division cases
This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.
Charges of distribution of methamphetamine, possession of methamphetamine, possession of a controlled substance without a taxation stamp, possession of THC, and possession of drug paraphernalia earlier filed against David L. Bean, 52, Newton, were dismissed Nov. 1.
Bradley R. Billinger, 43, Hillsboro, formally was charged Thursday with counterfeiting, driving a vehicle with a license tag not assigned to it, having invalid registration, and having no proof of insurance. In two separate cases filed the same day, Billinger formally was charged with forgery, failure to maintain a license plate, having invalid registration, having no proof of insurance, possession of Xanax, and driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol.
Cutberto P. Melgoza pleaded no contest Nov. 16 to driving without a valid driver’s license and was fined $358. A charge of speeding was dismissed.
Last modified Dec. 8, 2022