• Last modified 646 days ago (May 11, 2023)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.

Joshua V. Catlin, 28, Florence, formally was charged May 2 with driving while his license was suspended and with possession of marijuana.

Kevin W. Geren, 61, Marion, formally was charged May 2 with making a felony threat. He also pleaded no contest May 1 to possession of methamphetamine. Charges of fleeing and eluding law enforcement and possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia were dismissed. Sentencing is scheduled for July 17.

Sabrina L. Hessel, 28, Hillsboro, was sentenced April 19 to five days in jail and ordered to pay $1,863 for driving under the influence and speeding.

Adam T. Mosier, 34, Burns, formally was charged May 2 with domestic battery.

Michael B. Nelson, 22, Marion, pleaded no contest April 19 to battery. Charges of domestic battery, criminal damage to property, and possession of methamphetamine, marijuana, and drug paraphernalia were dismissed. He was ordered to pay $158.

Rexana J. Siebert, 40, Florence, was sentenced April 25 to a year’s probation for interference with law enforcement.

Deann N. Spencer, 43, Peabody, formally was charged May 2 with possession of fentanyl.

Dasan Z. Wallace, 24, Salina, pleaded no contest April 19 to domestic battery. Sentencing was scheduled for May 3.

Last modified May 11, 2023