• Last modified 577 days ago (June 29, 2023)



This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.

Joshua B. Blackwill formally was charged June 21 with burglary of a dwelling and non-residential burglary.

Zachary M. Burwell, 26, Salina, formally was charged Monday with violation of a protection from stalking order.

A bench warrant for failure to appear in court was issued June 9 for Bradley A. Davidson, 49, Wichita.

Jessica L. Hunter formally was charged June 20 with domestic battery.

Kirby A. Jahnke, 51, Florence, formally was charged Monday with aggravated battery and criminal restraint.

David C. Keffer, 42, no city of residence listed on jail records, formally was charged Monday with possession of methamphetamine and drug paraphernalia, driving without a valid driver’s license, and having no proof of insurance.

Calvin W. Lee, 50, Lost Springs, pleaded no contest June 15 to possession of marijuana. He was sentenced to a year’s probation. Charges of possession of drug paraphernalia, having no proof of insurance, driving without a valid driver’s license, transporting an open container of alcohol, and not having valid registration were dismissed. He formally was charged Monday with aggravated assault.

Corbin D. Marple formally was charged Monday with possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia and speeding.

Joshua D. Nye formally was charged June 22 with two counts of residential burglary and two counts of theft.

Alan E. Overton, 32, Marion, formally was charged June 15 with five counts of sexual exploitation of a child for having a visual depiction of a child younger than 18 engaging in sexually explicit conduct.

Derrick Ratzloff, 27, Marion, was sentenced May 10 to 24 months’ probation and ordered to pay $1,108 for aggravated assault.

Andrew K. Sheffler, 30, Peabody, formally was charged Monday with aggravated domestic battery.

Makayla N. Siegrist, 22, Indianapolis, pleaded no contest June 6 to unlawful distribution of certain drug precursors and paraphernalia. Charges of possession of cocaine and paraphernalia with intent to distribute were dismissed in return for her plea. Sentencing is scheduled for Aug. 7.

James R. Spohn, 24, Marion, formally was charged June 20 with criminal threat and aggravated criminal damage to property. He formally was charged Monday with possession of marijuana with intent to distribute, possession of methamphetamine, aggravated endangerment of a child, possession of marijuana, drug paraphernalia, furnishing cigarettes or tobacco products to a minor, and having excessive window tint on his vehicle.

Charges of possession of marijuana and drug paraphernalia; driving while his license was canceled, suspended, or revoked; having no proof of insurance; and driving without valid registration filed April 28 against Daniel L. Swiney were dismissed June 13. Swiney is in prison in Missouri.

Richard R. Tindall formally was charged June 23 with stalking.

Last modified June 29, 2023