division cases
This information was filed last week in criminal division of district court. If no address is listed, no address was available on court records or from jail booking records.
Charges of writing a bad check filed in 2017 against Tracy D. Bihlmaier were dismissed April 9 after he told the court he had mailed payment in full to Ampride/Cooperative Grain and Supply, the county attorney’s office, and district court.
Randy R. Carlson, 32, Marion, formally was charged April 23 with violation of a protection order.
Christopher A. De Leon pleaded no contest April 12 to driving while a habitual violator. Charges of driving while his license was canceled, suspended, or revoked and speeding were dismissed.
Kevin D. Geier, 46, Wichita, was sentenced April 12 to probation for driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Court records to not include the length of his sentence.
Holly R. Hamm, 40, Hillsboro, was sentenced April 22 to a year’s probation and ordered to pay $313 and undergo mental health and alcohol and drug evaluations for burglary.
Kevin L. Hower, 50, Hillsboro, was sentenced April 12 to probation for driving under the influence of alcohol but court records do not include the length of his probation. Dismissed were charges of speeding and failure to yield at a stop sign.
Mitchell W. McMillen, 46, Peabody, pleaded no contest April 10 to violation of a protection order. Sentencing will be at a later date.
A bench warrant was issued April 22 for Shane R. Ringle, 37, Herington, after he failed to appear in court for sentencing.
Tyler J. Slater, 34, Peabody, was sentenced April 22 to probation for aggravated battery. Court records do not show the length of probation ordered.
Clifford J. Vanderzanden, 46, Elmdale, pleaded no contest April 9 to possession of drug paraphernalia. Charges of possession of methamphetamine and endangering a child were dismissed. He was sentenced to 12 months’ probation and ordered to pay $218.
Marquis P. Woods pleaded no contest April 9 to possession of marijuana and was sentenced to six months’ probation and ordered to pay $203. Charges of driving while his license was canceled, suspended or revoked; possession of drug paraphernalia; transporting an open container of alcohol; and having no proof of insurance were dismissed.
Last modified May 1, 2024