These deeds were reported as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records. All are warranty deeds unless otherwise noted.
Ross M. and Sandra L. Vancuren to Ross M. and Sandra L. Vancuren, co-trustees, 1008 Nighthawk Rd., Peabody.
Nellie Penne, transfer-on-death warranty deed, to Mildred Kendrick, Jerry W. Penner, and Howard K. Penner, 49.09 acres southeast of 170th and Holly Rds.
Carla J. Koslowsky Revocable Trust, trustees deed, to Pam J. Dowson, 705 S. Washington St., Hillsboro.
Donald R. and Judy R. Reimer, revocable-transfer-on-death deed to Delci A., Drew M., Dale R. and Danae M. Reimer, and to Donald R. and Judy R. Reimer, co-trustees, 229 170th Rd., Hillsboro.
Edward E. and Pamela A. Fitch to Randy and Kodi Kelsey, 804 E. Maple St., Marion.
Theodore J. and Sharon L. Regier to Theodore J. and Sharon L. Regier, co-trustees, 607 N. Vine St., Peabody.
James Robert and Marannde S. Hett to James Robert and Marannde S. Hett, 129 S. Freeborn St., Marion.
Winston T. and Lela M. Sawatzky to Zachary J. Behrens, Nicole M., Roy Wendell, and Veronica D. Sauder, 201 S. Cedar St., Goessel.