These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records.
Kyle B. and Angela R. Isaac to Ryan Lee and Autumn Desiree Weir, 211 S. Kennedy St., Hillsboro.
Earl G. Mueller trust to Eloise D. Mueller living trust, undivided half interest in 77.5 acres north of 170th Rd., between US-77 and Lakeshore Dr.
Lauren Jake Wiebe to Jim Dean and Cheryl Ann Ratzlaff, 1140 190th Rd.
Peoples Bank and Trust, successor trustee, to Gene Allen Goering, mineral deed to 158.37 acres southwest of Zebulon and 210th Rds.
Ryan Hennessey, by power-of-attorney to Central Investments Group LLC, 317 S. Ash St., Hillsboro.
Arthur A. and Bonny Medrano to Mindi Hess, 334 W 6th St., Florence.
Alice M. Johnson, trustee, to Louise M. Ratzlaff, trustee deed to 2784 Meridian Rd.
In separate transactions, Robert W. and Rise T. Myers to Michael and Stephen D. MacNeill, 108 N. Jefferson St., Hillsboro.
Last modified Sept. 23, 2021