These deeds were reported last week as recorded by the register of deeds. Property addresses come from appraisal records. Agricultural property descriptions use common road references derived from appraisal records.
Shawn M. and Jessica Levis to Chase Stringer, 310 N. Walnut St., Marion.
Loretta G. Looney to Loretta Looney and Anita Bliss-Armstrong, quitclaim deed to 822 Main St., Florence.
Shawn and Kaylin Rogers to themselves, quitclaim deed to 77.4 acres northeast of Wagonwheel and 30th Rds.
Shawn A. and Kristin L. Wiebe to Gary J. and Linda R. Harms, trustees, quitclaim deed to 101.21 acres east of Mustang Rd. between 20th and 30th Rds.
Richard Britain to Richard Wayne and Deborah Lee Britain, trustees, quitclaim deeds to 80.64 acres west of Timber Rd. between 250th and 260th Rds. and to 77.01 acres northeast of Sunflower and 250th Rds.
Dale A. and Marla A. Mueller to Dale A. Mueller and Marla A. Mueller 1996 Revocable Trust, 113.43 acres east of Nighthawk Rd. between 330th and 340th Rds.
Charlotte Alice King-Nickel to Darlene King Hubbard, Don S. King, Marion Elmer King III, and Wilfred King, transfer-on-death warranty deed to 210 W. 6th St., Lincolnville.
Allen J. and Paula M. Dinkel to Garret Michael Pfannenstiel, 210 N. Buller St., Goessel.
James Leon Findley to William Reynolds Stringfellon, quitclaim deed to 205 S. Olive St., Peabody.
Andrew Hardey to Nikki Hardey, quitclaim deed to 617 Abilene Ave., Durham.
Bonnie J. Saltzman and Erica T. Jost to Erica T. Jost, 718 S. Lincoln St., Hillsboro.
Donald F. Britain Jr. to himself as trustee, quitclaim deed to 107 W. Broadway St., Burns.
Last modified Aug. 21, 2024